Empirical Research Findings

The Italian Leather

3rd Layer - Amberwood [Base Note]

Power’, ‘intensity’ and ‘longevity’ are three attributes associated with the olfactory wave of ‘amber wood’ making its way in perfumes. It can be found in many recent fragrance launches, in both small and larger concentrations.

https://europepmc.org/article/med/31915630 [Accessed at 25/04/2020]


2nd Layer - Olibanum, Thyme, Night Blooming Jasmine [Heart Note]

Olibanum (Frankincense) has been investigated as a possible treatment for some cancers, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, anxiety and asthma, among other conditions. If these ancient remedies can indeed provide relief for the many patients who suffer from these potentially devastating illnesses, the great incense roads of antiquity may flourish once again.

https://www.history.com/news/a-wise-mans-cure-frankincense-and-myrrh [Accessed at 25/04/2020]

Thyme has been used as an anxiety-reducing herb for thousands of years. In the Middle Ages, Europeans would place thyme under their pillows to promote a peaceful night’s sleep while warding off bad dreams. It's scent alone promotes relaxation, but the real reason it eases mental tension is more scientific.

https://www.onegreenplanet.org/natural-health/8-incredible-health-benefits-thyme/  [Accessed at 25/04/2020]

Smell of Jasmine as calming as valium - Telegraph

https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/7881819/Smell-of-jasmine-as-calming-as-valium.html [Accessed at 25/04/2020]


1st Layer - Saffron [ Top Note]


Source : https://europepmc.org/article/med/31915630 [Accessed at 25/04/2020]

Razak, S.I.A., Anwar Hamzah, M.S., Yee, F.C., Kadir, M.R.A. and Nayan, N.H.M., 2017. A review on medicinal properties of saffron toward major diseases. Journal of herbs, spices & medicinal plants, 23(2), pp.98-116.


The Fabulous

3rd Layer - Tonka Beans [Base Note]

Tonka bean Soothing effects on Brain;

Coumarin food such as tonka bean can also help in increasing the production of serotonin in the human brain without drugs as it gives instant boosts to the serotonin level.

https://www.healthpally.com/tonka-bean-uses-and-benefits/ [Accessed at 29/04/2020]

In some cultures, the tonka bean is considered an aphrodisiac, and is used as a “love-wishing bean.”

Tonka Beans are known to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, relieve stress and depression and boost the immune system. Tonka beans were once widely used in medicine as a treatment for cramps, nausea, cough, spasms, and tuberculosis.

https://www.alphaaromatics.com/blog/tonka-bean-and-scented-products/ [Accessed at 29/04/2020]


2nd Layer - Orris [Heart Note]

Known as the world’s rarest ingredient as per BBC.

http://www.bbc.com/travel/gallery/20181008-orris-the-worlds-rarest-perfume-ingredient [Accessed at 29/04/2020]

The violet Orris scent captures hearts instantly and is almost an olfactory symbol of romance and love. It is “love at first sniff.”


Literally, within a sniff or two, the sensuously delicate and fragile floral odour note may disappear for you and you may have to wait for several minutes to regain full smell sensitivity for this type of scent. Why this type of smelly molecules should exhibit such potent olfactory adaptation is still a mystery. 

https://www.aroma-academy.co.uk/blogs/news/aroma-of-the-week-gin-aroma-kit-orris [Accessed at 29/04/2020]

Historically, orris root was highly prized in the perfume industry. The root develops a pleasant violet-like scent when it dries. This scent continues to improve in storage, reaching its peak in about three years. Orris root was widely used in face powders and other cosmetics until people noticed it was causing allergic reactions. Orris root powder is still used extensively in potpourris, sachets, and pomanders. It even prolongs the scent of the other oils.

https://www.rxlist.com/orris/supplements.htm [Accessed at 29/04/2020]


1st Layer - Clary Sage [Top Note] 

In addition to lemon oil, other essential oils that positively impact dopamine and/or serotonin, and are also antidepressant, include clary sage, Atlas cedarwood, eucalyptus globulus and orange (Costa et al 2013, Kako et al 2008, Martins et al 2015, Seol et al 2010).

http://heavenscentaromashop.com/essential-oils-and-seasonal-affective-disorder/ [Accessed 29th April 2020]

Clary sage oil is extracted from the clary sage herb, a close relative of the common garden herb sage. Clary sage essential oil has been found to help people relax during dental procedures. Clary sage oil aromatherapy has also been shown to have antidepressant-like effects.

https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/urban-survival/201604/six-aromatherapy-essential-oils-stress-relief-and-sleep [Accessed 29th April 2020]


The Silver Cliff

3rd Layer - Petitgrain [Base Note]

Inhaling Petitgrain oil is said to be strengthening – promoting mental clarity and helping to sharpen the memory.

https://www.healthbenefitstimes.com/petitgrain-essential-oil/  [Accessed 6th May 2020]


2nd Layer - Green Tea [Heart Note]

the scent of green tea relaxes your mind while sharpening your mental focus.

https://www.japanesegreenteain.com/blogs/green-tea-and-health/japanese-green-tea-and-aromatherapy [Accessed 6th May 2020]


1st Layer - Bergamot [Top Note] 

A 2013 article published in the journal Current Drug Targets reported that aromatherapy with bergamot (among other essential oils) can relieve depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders by signaling the brain to release dopamine and serotonin.

https://www.healthline.com/health/bergamot-oil#benefits [Accessed 6th May 2020]


Generic - Human Nose Potential

A 2014 study showed that we can distinguish at least 1 trillion different odors — up from previous estimates of a mere 10,000.
